Shattered Conviction

After Wang Yu walked out of Fantasy Garden, he headed towards Sky Dragon City with Nian Liuyun and his men chasing after him. However, the United Alliance had a large number of Magicians. With Wang Yu's speed, even if he intentionally slowed down, Nian Liuyun and co. were still struggling to keep up.

Hidden Lurker was not surprised that Wang Yu killed him. Given the things he did, Hidden Lurker would be more surprised if Wang Yu didn't kill him.

Therefore, Hidden Lurker was still unaware of Wang Yu's true motive. After resurrecting at Sky Dragon City, Hidden Lurker immediately went to provide support for Little Lotus. He also asked Nian Liuyun through the chat, "That fella didn't snatch our BOSS right?"

"No…" Nian Liuyun answered honestly.