Wang Yu's Tempo

Just as everyone was still confused, the God of Puppets' upper body had already returned to its original position. Shortly after, it twisted and attacked Wang Yu again.

Just like before, Wang Yu used both his hands for hinder as he flew to the other side together with the God of Puppets' long sword. Following up on that, he jumped and used [Eagle Stomp], [Thunder God's Stomp], [Eye Piercing] and [Double Moon Encirclement].

God of Puppets tried to grab him but Wang Yu slipped away with his clone…

Spring Halo, Ming Du and the rest were already observing with the attitude to learn. However, they were still completely at a loss even after observing this round closely. They were unable to comprehend anything at all.

"What on earth is going on? Shouldn't he be slashed into two by that sword? External modifications?"