Peak Of Perfection

Giving out pamphlets was not an easy job especially for Wang Yu who didn't like to show his face in public. He already found it slightly difficult to talk to people, let alone taking the initiative to talk to others on the street. This was definitely an extremely difficult job for him.

Even though they were in a game, the scenario in the game was too real which was why Wang Yu left a little frightened.

After walking around the street for half a day, Wang Yu didn't even hand out a single pamphlet on his hand.

Just when Wang Yu was on the verge of giving up, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in front of Wang Yu.

That person was dressed in a black robe as he grabbed the pamphlets from Wang Yu with one hand and the other one holding another Magician. He told the other Magician in a fierce tone, "Can you see the badge on my chest?"

From the fierce tone itself, Wang Yu knew that this person was Ming Du.