Pity On Every Parent

Grandpa's hundredth birthday was the most important event for the Wang Clan.

The majority of guests here were people from the ring of kung fu. Even though this wasn't a big ring of people, the number of martial artists gathered from all across the country was still slightly more than the number of giant pandas left.

Moreover, there were many elderlies among them. There was no choice because the yellow autumn crop does not last until the green spring crop. The inheritance was broken and if it was a problem even in the four great martial arts families in the country, there was nothing to expect of the smaller sects.

All these elderlies were not some Tom, Dick or Harry. All of them were highly respected seniors and every one of them required the members of the Wang Clan to receive them personally.

Wang Yu was part of the main family in the Wang Clan and also the next successor of the Wang Clan, therefore, he was naturally not going to run away from this.