Not Just An Habitual Narcissist

Team Lotus Flower was a very popular battle team in the seventh region and was also a Thorn City battle team. Not long ago, when they were competing in Thorn City, Wang Yu and the rest saw how good they were.

Although their opponent was not impressive, it could be seen that this veteran battle team's ability was not weak. They were at least on par with Team Raptors.

Since Team Satan and Team Lotus Flower were old enemies, their abilities were not too far apart.

The first one was a one-versus-one match. As usual, every team would choose five people to take turns.

The first round already shook the entire place.

The first round was Lucifer from Team Satan against Guns In All Directions from Team Lotus Flower, and the scene map was the arena.

The arena's map was similar to the platform. Both did not have obstructions but the arena was way bigger than the platform so it was very suitable for confrontation.