The Last Resort

The Past Believers (LV65) (Elite)

HP: 500000

MP: 100000

Skill: Past memory.

Talent: Past instinct.

Background introduction: Guardian God Mai Lun used a banned skill and revived the Past Believers. the passed will not feel pain and were not weary of dying. They still kept their past memories and skills and would be hard to destroy.

"F*ck, there's still this?"

Looking at the yard full of "Dumplings", everyone broke into a cold sweat with fear…

When these guys were still alive, not all of the players could defeat them. Now, they were revived and with attributes nearly doubled. These NPC were spread out into two yards before, but now they were all gathered into one. Quan Zhen Sect could not even have a clear win now.

Even the fearless Wang Yu felt threatened.