One Can Only Grow With Experience

At this moment, the Holy Flame that Fearless sent out slowly drifted and found its target as he landed squarely on Treasure Hunter Goblin's head.


Seeing that Treasure Hunter Goblin had triggered the flame trap and was silenced, Fearless immediately signaled the rest to attack. The players immediately began their assault.

Treasure Hunter Goblin was so crafty and devious. As he saw that the situation turning grave, he flashed out the dagger that he had previously stolen away from Frost Blade. First, he hacked away at the leg that was being tangled. Next, he clutched his chest in his arms and with only one foot, he sped away in the distance.

Although he had only one foot and his speed had decreased significantly from its peak state, his speed was still not what most players could hope to match. In the blink of an eye, the incoming player attacks were easily dodged by Treasure Hunter Goblin.
