Dressing up as Woman

As Fearless said, although both men and women were both humans, their personalities were largely different. If a normal man were to hear a man wearing women's clothing, he would not even be remotely interested…

However, if a woman were to hear that a man was wearing women's clothing…

Others might have reacted differently but there was a glint in the eyes of One Page Book and her comrades. They resolutely turned back and that momentary glint in their eyes sent a cold chill down Wang Yu's back.

"F*ck, Old Bull, you bitch!" Seeing that Wang Yu had sold him out, Fearless' whole face turned red with embarrassment as he cursed wildly.

Wang Yu waved away all the insults as he replied, "You know there was no other way to attract their attention. Didn't you just tell me that men and women are attracted to different things?"

"F*ck, you surely are a fast learner."