The Strength Of Great God Iron Bull

Actually, Fantasy Goblin only had 5,000,000 HP while Sanguine Alliance had over ten thousand men. If they were to outnumber the BOSS with their men, each person merely needed to bring down 500 HP to defeat the BOSS.

Even though it was much easier said than done, this was ultimately still a strategy worth trying. Either way, it would be better than standing there to suffer the anger of the BOSS.

However, the fellas from Quan Zhen Sect were always protective over their food. These fellas had always been interested in intervening while others were killing a BOSS so why would they allow others to interfere in their fight with their own BOSS?

Even though Sanguine Warflag meant well, Fearless replied faintly with two words, "No need."

While Fearless was replying, Fantasy Goblin had started his attacks on the Quan Zhen Sect again. Without much effort, he managed to toss Boson to the side too.