This Opponent Is Not Human

Seeing that the yellow figure had lurched towards him, Wang Yu tumbled to the side in one swift motion to evade the attack.

Wang Yu had a clear view of the appearance of the yellow figure.

The beast before him was almost three metres long with pointed ears, fangs and a scarlet tongue that was constantly drooling. It made a heaving sound with its mouth and it turned out to be a cheetah.

"Aiya!" Seeing that Wang Yu had evaded the attack so easily, Green Plum Tea was startled. He gave the order for the cheetah to attack its target once again.

Wang Yu was caught by surprise previously, therefore he was a little slow to react. With him being on the alert, how could Wang Yu be unprepared for its next attack.

Facing the cheetah, Wang Yu made no plans to dodge this time. He took a step forward and turned his body partially to generate the momentum for [Thunder God's Stomp] as he sent a kick directly to the cheetah's belly.