The Bait To Attract The Predator


Though Purity had was arrogant, she seemed to respect this particular Pugilist a lot. Noticing that he was helping Nian Liuyun, she calmed down immediately.

Though she was still feeling bad, she still spoke softly, "Why are you saying this, Thirteenth Brother? Are you perhaps scared of Wang Yu, too?"

"Hmph!" The Pugilist that was regarded as Thirteenth Brother smiled and continued, "I wouldn't have come with you if I was scared. I just wanted to say that Wang Yu is the City Lord of Twilight City, so if we went there, he would have the home ground advantage and we might not be able to win."

"Why?" Purity was confused.

Thirteen pointed to the sky and continued, "Because the system is the greatest of them all. Do you think that the guards will do nothing as we attack their City Lord?"


After hearing Thirteen out, Purity calmed down.