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Everyone from Quan Zhen Sect knew that Wang Yu was a wife lover. Though he was chill and cool and would not really get angry at everyone, if anyone were to touch his wife, they should just wait for their death.

Originally, if Purity's plan was originally to catch Mu ZIxian, she would be asking for it herself. However, the situation now was that she only got caught because of Vainglory… Everything was different.

Vainglory knew that Wang Yu did not like to get angry unnecessarily, but when it came to Mu Zixian, he was not sure if he would be punished altogether this time.

Especially when he saw how Purity treated Mu Zixian, Vainglory could already imagine Wang Yu chasing after him with a knife.

During a fight, players could not go offline at all. Even if it was a forced quit, the avatar would still remain in the game.

Mu Zixian was in trouble, so she could not quit the game and run away.