Settling The Scores

In <>, the authority given to a City Lord wasn't especially big, and was in fact similar to the authority given to a guild leader of a large guild. It was just that a City Lord had to manage a larger number of players. Furthermore, the players in a city were different from that of a guild, they wouldn't listen to orders of the City Lord.

However, there was an advantage in holding the position as a City Lord, one that established the prestige of such a title. It was the fact that the City Lord had the authority to command the city's guards.

Every player knew of the strength of these guards. Even though the number of these guards only amounted in the hundreds, being able to mobilise this force was equivalent to having the strongest army at one's command.

As overpowered as a player can be, in front of these guards which had the highest damage outputs, they wouldn't be able to put up much of a resistance at all.