A Good Time For War

He had no choice because these two BOSSes were simply too shameless.

Besides their symbiotic characteristic, there were the ineffective long-distance arrows and ineffective short distance attacks with the exception of swords. Executing either one of the characteristics was still manageable for everyone. However, it was going to be a real problem if everything came together.

Otherwise, Wang Yu would already be able to take on both the BOSSes by himself.

After awkward exchanges of glances between the four of them, none of them had any idea how to move on from here.

Five Flagtree told Unfathomable Mystery in a depressing manner, "If only the two of us can take on Bradley by ourselves."

"What are you joking about…" Unfathomable Mystery refuted, "Didn't you see how vicious that fella was? We are only capable of escaping from him. There is simply no way we can take him on like that."