The Light Temple In The Fortress

"Die? No way!"

Wang Yu smiled at her words then a pair of white wings spread from his back. Soon, Wang Yu leaped and flew into the air.

"What?! He can actually fly…" Shroom Devil King mumbled upon seeing what happened.

Without the existence of a flying skill book, to be able to fly was a huge advantage. For luring monsters, running fast was nowhere as relaxing as flying as, after all, the monsters could not fly too.

Shroom Devil King lost focus for just a while and Wang Yu flew right above the monsters. He took out his fire gun and began shooting at the monsters below.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The shooting sounds rang through and the monsters on the ground had their hatred activated one by one and were instantly lured by Wang Yu.

"Come chase me…" Wang Yu laughed proudly, taunting the monsters as he circled above them then went in another direction, wanting to lure them away.

Just then, a shocking scene happened.