Continue Listening To Heaven’s Will


After the battle, Ming Du's mute state was unlocked and he waved to the audience proudly while walking down the arena after a loud laugh.

After returning to the team, Ming Du exclaimed, "Look, this is what they call beating someone at their own game. That silly b*tch really thought that she was attractive! Haha."

After hearing Ming Du out, they finally knew what he was up to just now.

Logically, Zhuge Small Fish was still a professional player by nature and had a significant advantage in skills compared to Ming Du though Ming Du was not weak either. Ming Du would not have been able to guarantee a victory over Zhuge Small Fish.

Hence, Ming Du went up the arena, showed his weakness on purpose and let Zhuge Small Fish think that her Honey Trap worked. Then, he sneaked an attack when Zhuge Small Fish let her guard down.