Iron Man?

Of course, Boundless Ocean wouldn't have accomplished what he did if he were so easily tricked by Fearless.

Just when Boundless Ocean was about to be burnt by the [Holy Flame], he calmly raised his staff to cast a spell on his head.

A blue radiance descended and an ice element enveloped Boundless Ocean swiftly. Shortly after, Boundless Ocean was turned into a block of ice.

[Icebound Technique]!!

[Icebound Technique] was a formidable control skill which could turn any target into ice. However, anyone that was frozen would be invincible.

Boundless Ocean was indeed an intelligent player. Casting the [Icebound Technique] on himself might render him immobile but just like Fearless, he was also BUFFed with invincibility.


When Fearless' [Holy Flame] touched the ice, it turned into white fog without causing any damage or effect on Boundless Ocean.

Seconds later, the invincibility effect of the two of them disappeared.