Hiding When Prepared, Striking When Unprepared

"Fearless, shall we head to Saga City now? Sanguine Alliance is not done for yet right?"

Wang Yu had repeated the same sentence thrice in an hour.

It wasn't as though Wang Yu hadn't scammed anyone in the past. However, he was just an accomplice and the people they scammed were mostly strangers.

It was different this time around, because Sanguine Warflag was close to Wang Yu. Moreover, it was Wang Yu's idea to give away the City Lord's Seal. He did not think that it would cause them to be at the risk of being caught in a disaster.

If Sanguine Alliance were to be obliterated because of him, Wang Yu would be extremely guilty.

In face of Wang Yu's relentless questioning, Fearless got very annoyed and said, "Brother, Sanguine Alliance is one of the top guilds in the nation after all, and those Japanese will have to take at least a month to completely wipe Sanguine Alliance out with those lousy players of theirs. Stop underestimating their ability!"