‘Singing The Song Of Chu’

As he was speaking, a pair of wings unfurled behind Fearless' back. Shortly after, he took off into the skies and flew directly towards Yamatai City.

When the rest from Quan Zhen Sect saw this, they hurriedly followed behind him.

Black Dragon Guild was a guild that was similar to a corporate company. Even though the cohesiveness of the players was lacking, the order and regimentation of the guild were strict.

After all, taking a monthly wage and working under a company was something the Japanese people loved to do.

Currently, Yamatai City was at war against Saga City, thus, the area surrounding Yamatai City was exceptionally quiet and empty. Therefore, the appearance of the bunch from Quan Zhen Sect flying in midair was extremely eye-catching.

Just when Fearless and the rest had approached the city walls, the Black Dragon Guild players on the city wall had already discovered them.

"Eh? What's that?"