A Huge Rock Falling From The Sky

[Dark Barrier] was designed to control so its control effect was very strong. After being rooted by it, the Inferno Fairies could not move forward any more.

Hence, the rooted Inferno Fairies opened their mouths to spit [Berserk Inferno] at them.

[Berserk Inferno] was the strengthened version of flame attacks. As compared to flame attacks, it had a greater attack range and stronger damage. In an instant, their faces began throwing fireballs towards everyone.

"Front row, hang in there!!"

Fearless saw what was happening so he used his staff to point at Crotch Lord, who was in front, who lifted his shield. Asura and the rest also used their bodies to block in front of the rest.

The [Dark Barrier] was only so big. Although they were surrounded by the Inferno Fairies, only the closest few who were rooted by the [Dark Barrier] could attack them.