Eternal Dark Night


Hearing Fearless' request, Fiat's face changed and angrily pointed at Fearless and said, "Don't go overboard!"

"Overboard? Hehe!" Fearless smiled and turned to Wang Yu and said, "He said I'm going overboard. Show him what overboard is!"


Wang Yu nodded then cracked his fists.

Seeing what Wang Yu did, Fiat's cold sweat rolled down.

"We can discuss everything. Why use violence." Fiat smiled apologetically and said, "Violence can't solve any problems."

"Indeed!" Fearless agreed and said, "But violence can resolve people with problems! So, you evil devil, are you going to hand your dark items over?"

As he spoke, Wang Yu took a few steps forward.

"Yes, yes, I will!"

Seeing Wang Yu walk over, Fiat was instantly terrified so he quickly took off his black jacket and stuffed it into Wang Yu's hand.

Fearless casually looked at the jacket's attributes and was shocked before displaying the attributes.