Feather Descending Wind Stamp

God of Death's Left Hand's eyes glowed in delight when he saw the skill book. He quickly clasped his fist towards Fearless, "Boss Fearless, loyalty!"

Fearless waved his hands, "Don't talk to me about loyalty! Quickly learn that skill or I will take it back once I regret my decision."


God of Death's Left Hand chuckled as he slapped the skill book to turn it into white light. The white light entered God of Death's Left Hand's body.

The others couldn't help but inquire after hearing their conversation, "What skill is it?"


God of Death's Left Hand smiled pridefully as he finally revealed the attributes of the skill.

[Feather Descending Wind Stamp]: Passive skill. Three consecutive jumps which cover a total distance of 1200. MP exhaustion: 200 Cooldown Time: 10 seconds.

Three consecutive jumps!!

Everyone was incredibly envious once they saw the attributes displayed by God of Death's Left Hand.