Ancient Empire's Fightback

Meng Xi grew up in a foreign land so she naturally knew how money-minded these foreigners were. As long the right amount of money was given, they would be more than willing to spread fake rumours, let alone the truth.

"For real?"

Indeed, that player was more interested in the gold bag in Meng Xi's hand than the actual truth of the matter.

"Of course!" Meng Xi took out yet another bag of gold, "After the matter is done, this gold will be yours too."


The player accepted the gold from Meng Xi's hands happily.

Wild City. Ancient Empire's office.

Guild leader Boundless Ocean also received news that his men had been killed by players from Forgotten City. He furrowed his brows and no one knew what he was thinking about.

To a large guild, the timing of a large-scale crowd PK was extremely important.