Prairie Fire

"You've turned bad!" Wang Yu pointed his middle finger at Hermit, "You deserve to be single!"

"You're over complimenting me!" Hermit smiled wretchedly.

"Can I cancel this quest?" Even though Wang Yu knew it was impossible, he still wanted to ask.

A single S-grade quest was already enough of a headache for him. Wouldn't a chain of S-grade quests torture him to death?

One must know that an S-grade quest was not just difficult because of merely much stronger BOSS. It was extremely 'brain-burning'.

Even though Wang Yu loved challenging himself, he did not like finding trouble.

"You can cancel!"

Hermit maintained his smile, "But I will have to take back your job as a Martial Artist."

"I knew you would act like that!" Wang Yu couldn't help but point his middle finger again, "Are you not sick of using the same trick over and over again? Why don't you come up with something new?"