Prevailing One's Own Heart

"Nonsense! Of course we're going over! Otherwise, why did we come here?" Wang Yu was feeling slightly irritated at how timid Prairie Fire was.

"Why don't you pass me the bow then? I'll open fire!"

After saying that, Wang Yu tried to take Prairie Fire's bow away from him.

"I'll do it! I can still do this!" Prairie Fire quickly raised his bow.


An arrow flew out and landed on the head of one of the ground devil dragons.


Once this arrow landed on the head, all four ground devil dragons had exclamation marks appeared above their heads. Shortly after, they charged towards Wang Yu and co.

"They're coming!"

When Dazed Pupils saw the ground devil dragons charging over, she swung her totem towards the ground.


A ring of blue radiance spread out and everyone was BUFFed.

Prairie Fire and Exceptional Beauty also took out their Dragon Massacre Medicine and consumed it…