Blueprint Of A God-Grade Weapon

: Precious equipment. After being used, you will obtain the forging method for God-slaying Demon-killing Bow, a God-grade weapon. Requirement for usage: Forgemaster.

"Blueprint to forge a God-grade weapon!!!"

Seeing the old and tattered paper in his hands, even the usually calm Wang Yu was greatly surprised.

Although he did not know what attributes the God-slaying Demon-killing Bow would have after being forged, he knew it would be exceptional just based on its name.

After all, God and Demons were on extreme ends of this food chain.

God-slaying and demon-killing. Even the name was so exaggerated so its ability had to be unimaginable or else, it would not live up to its name.

Logically speaking, although Pugilists could use any weapons, Pugilists' skills were all for bare hands so a bow was not very useful.