Tackling the issue

Specialist Chang's brows furrowed. He was a little displeased but this situation had been caused by them and they weren't able to resolve it at the moment, so he could only let this Chinese doctor resolve it. However, he didn't have faith in the Chinese doctor.

Wang Lili's mother was very anxious at that moment. "Director Zhang, will she be okay?"

Director Zhang nodded. "This is Director Zhao Mingqing from Shanghai's First Chinese Medical Academy. His medical abilities are superb. He's at the pinnacle of the Chinese Medicine world and he's well-known in the nation's Chinese medical scene."

When the reporters heard this, they etched it into their memories. Some of the reporters even started thinking of headlines to write.

'The best of Chinese and Western medicine go head to head.'


Madam Wang looked at Zhao Mingqing, "Master Zhao, I'll leave my daughter to you."