Come to me, Encyclopedic Points

Lin Fan was filled with delight. "Which schools will they be distributed to?"

Zhao Mingqing knew all the medical academies across the country like the back of his hand. "Teacher, there are a total of thirty Chinese Medical Academies in the country. The Education Department has given permission for the teaching materials to be used in the Chinese Medical Academies of the remaining provinces. I think in one or two days at most, your teaching materials will become widely distributed, Teacher."

"That's great!" Lin Fan had been waiting for this moment for a long time. He finally saw hope. However, he was still a little worried. Even if the teaching materials were to become widespread in the Chinese Medical academies, he wouldn't get any Encyclopedic Points unless the students studied them closely.

But this didn't matter. In a total of thirty Chinese Medical Academies, how could there be no one who would seriously study?