Universe God

If Jian Wushuang were notthere,the Monarch of Kingdom Jin could bring doom to the entire Green Fire world onhis own.

However, he had tried tomeasureJian Wushuang'sstrengthin atentative attack and realized the latter might not beany stronger than him now, but definitely would notbe much weaker.

Hedid not have absolute confidence he could defeat Jian Wushuang, even if theywere to fight, flat out.

He would not have the chance to eliminate the Green Fire World as long as Jian Wushuang was in theway.

"No need for any further nonsense, Monarch of Kingdom Jin.The infernobetween your country and Green Fire World has lasted for five millions years andcanonly be terminated with the death of either party. Now is the time to settle the accountsbetween us andbetween the two forces behind us," said Jian Wushuang in a deep voice.