Don’t Blame Me, I Want to Live

Originally, the Elemental Puppet wanted to finish Jacker in just one hit, but something unexpected happened! 

With his original power, he should have been able to destroy this shielded Warrior with ease, but the moment he raised his arms he felt a wave of lethargy overwhelm him. His power was decreasing!   

A 30% decrease in power might not seem like much, but to an Elemental puppet with powers comparable to a Level-5 Warrior, 30% might well be the strength he needed to fight against Jacker. If he was not at his full strength, he might not be able to defeat Jacker who was a Level-4 Warrior. 

Boom! A familiar sound reverberated through the cave, but the result of this clash was entirely different!  

The Elemental Puppet's arm was easily deflected by Jacker and the shield smashed onto the statue's chest with full impact.