Legendary Battle (4)

A streak of lightning lashed out at him all of a sudden. A series of explosions rang out in the air, and the light blinded Duke Abel momentarily.

Then he saw someone unexpected.

"Kanorse?" He was taken aback. He knew that Kanorse had Level-9 power, but the power he was giving off right now was bearing on the Duke with such oppressive weight. His attack power was on the same level as the Duke's.

Kanorse did not stop there. Lunging forward with his sword held in one hand, ready to pierce through Duke Abel's heart, he shouted, "Marshall, I'm here to stop your madness!"

Hearing this, Duke Abel's rage reached a fever pitch in him. "I've had enough of your words! You mortals really are something! Always trying to get to me with your venomous tongue!"

His eyes had turned blood red, as a dark red aura swirled around him like a cyclone. He then swung the Hero's Dusk sword at the bolt of lightning that had come for him.