The Bluff (4)

Mage Tower, rooftop platform

Bryant's face had gone pale. A shiver ran through his body. The only thing that could unnerve a Legendary master like him was the presence of a power equal to or higher than his.

If there had only been two or three other Legendary masters, Bryant would not have batted an eye. But there were now 11 Legendary masters, which was more than enough to strike fear in him.

Bryant could sense the sudden appearances of these Legendary auras around him so vividly that he was surprised that Prince Phillip, who was standing beside him, did not notice anything unusual.

Phillip asked in a low voice, "Prophet, what's wrong?"

Bryant did not hear what he said. He was staring at Link for at least 20 seconds, dumbfounded. Finally, he asked, "How did Ferde manage to acquire this level of power? Were you able to make contact with the realm of Aragu?"

Realm of Aragu?