Accomplish a Great Task with Little Effort Using Clever Maneuvers and Fists that Represent Justice

"He has a criminal record? He's likely not a good guy!"

Wang Yao increased his wariness of this guy in question.


In the afternoon, he was on the hill digging pits at the specified locations. He only needed to wait for Chen Kun to deliver the trees that he had ordered so that he could plant them.

The next day, Chen Kun delivered a truck of plants to the hill.

"Do you need help?" After unloading the plants, Chen Kun offered. He was very experienced in the planting of botanicals.

"There's no need. I can do it myself. Would you like to come to my cottage to have a cup of tea?"

He invited Chen Kun and his two companions into his cottage.

"West Lake Longjing, Qimen black tea, Huangshan Maojian. Tsk tsk. You have so much good tea!" Chen Kun exclaimed.

"They are gifts from my friends."

"Tastes good; it's such an enjoyment!"