
Wang Yao went to tell Wang Jianli what had happened.

"Contagious disease? Could people die if they get infected?" Wang Jianli immediately got the point. He was shocked. "I need to let the local government know about it!"

"I'll leave it to you," Wang Yao said. He knew this needed to be treated seriously.

"OK," Wang Jianli said.

He didn't delay. He immediately reported the disease to his superior, who reported it to the county government. People from the county decided to investigate what was happening before reporting it to the city government. However, they spoke to an officer from the city's Department of Health before sending a team of medical staff to the village.

"Sh*t! They always ask us to do these kinds of things," one of the team members said.

"Exactly," another one said.

These people were full of complaints. They didn't want to be there.