Idle Chats About Longevity

"This lake can allow the dead to rest in peace? Hey, it can't be that you guys have buried all the dead in this lake, right?" Lu Xiufeng asked.

"It is true," Miao Qingfeng said after a moment of silence, but the smile on his face was gone. Instead, a serious expression replaced the smile.

"I remember seeing quite a few tombs on the mountain," Yang Guanfeng said as he pointed to the peak of the mountain on the opposite side. He had seen it the last time when he had gone up his time, as well as this time. Miao Qingfeng had also said that it was the place to bury the dead from the village.

"Well, it depends on the wishes of the deceased and the person's identity."

"It depends on the deceased's identity? How does that work?"

"Most of the women are buried in the lake, and most of the men are in the mountains," Miao Qingfeng replied.

"What kind of burial?"