Dull as Water

"Hello." The young man's voice sounded very cold and wooden. There was no emotional color in it.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Wang, that's what my son is like," the woman hurriedly said after seeing the situation. "Please don't take offense."

"It's fine." Wang Yao smiled and waved his hand.

He glanced up and examined the young man in front of him.

The situation was not optimistic.

"It's not looking good," Wang Yao bluntly said.

"Can you treat it?"

"I'll give it a go," Wang Yao said.

This was his first encounter with such a situation. It was a congenital disease, and it was severe. It was not an acquired disease. The treatment of such diseases required special herbs and methods.

"Let me think."

Wang Yao closed his eyes and pondered the illness.

In his mind, a large amount of accumulated knowledge was flashing through. He needed to extract useful information from it regarding the disease.

Got it!

His eyes brightened.