Busy Year

It was obvious Miao Changsheng was the culprit behind what had happened. That matter completely went past his bottom line. However, Miao Xihe and his people were extraordinary enough that it was not a good idea to get on their bad side. Besides, he still needed them around.

Oh well!

He calmed only after pacing around the room for quite some time.

He decided to lay low with the matter for the moment, but he definitely would not let it all slide.

That night, everyone in He County was restless.

Miao Xihe and his people were all very alert. Just as how Miao Xihe put it, they were outside instead of being in the village. That meant they could not just throw their weight around. The consequences were dire if they did so.

Throughout the nights, sirens from patrol cars were heard.

The night passed peacefully despite the suspense.

The people from the village departed the moment daylight came. They returned to their village.