Opposing Parties

Zheng Weijun was very happy. He drank two more glasses of wine.

"Have you called the driver?" Wang Yao asked.

"Yes, he's already here," Zheng Weijun said with a smile.

"That's good," Wang Yao replied.

After drinking a few glasses of wine and eating some more food, Zheng Weijun rushed to get the bill. He was full of wine and food.

"What else can I do for you, Sir?" he asked.

"Nothing else."

"Shall I take you back first?"

"There's no need for that," Wang Yao said. "It's a short distance. Besides, taking a stroll is good for one's health." This restaurant was less than a mile from his village. With his speed, he would be home before long.

"OK, I'll go back now," Zheng Weijun said.


After watching the car drive away, Wang Yao strolled back home. The moonlight illuminated his path. He went to Nanshan Hill.

The night passed peacefully.

In southern Yunnan, thousands of miles away…