
Xia Zhuofeng watched You walk away from him in shock. She was like a whole new person with all that strength and steely determination. Was she influenced by Second Daughter-in-law?

The next day, Ye Jiayao got up early and still went to greet Xia You. Although You told her not to bother with the schedule anymore, she felt like greeting the elders every morning is a respectful ritual she can't pass on.

As always, Qiao was already there when she arrived. The only difference was instead of snide remarks, Qiao looked at her with more respect now. The events last night showed Qiao just how strong and clever Jinxuan was. Besides, she also heard about Mother exempting her from the schedule and sending some porridge for her last night, so she figured that Mother has finally accepted Jinxuan. Qiao had to be extra cautious.

"Second Sister-in-law, are your knees okay?" Qiao asked, concerned.

Ye Jiayao smiled. "They are fine now. Thank you for caring, Big Sister."