Mythril Foundation Armor (I)

Long Haochen felt something was different the moment Gao Yingjie released Brilliant Body. He could feel from the depths of his consciousness the light essence in the air overflow, rapidly concentrating around Gao Yingjie. Long Haochen could even perceive slight fluctuations in the light essence.

This was the second time Long Haochen had seen Brilliant Body, but unlike last time, it was being used in battle. After that formidable ability was unleashed, it seemed as if Gao Yingjie’s body itself had turned into an enormous light gem, frantically absorbing the integrality of the light essence present in the air.

Even though she was sent flying, Wang Yuanyuan didn’t sustain any injuries because of Cai’er’s influence. When Gao Yingjie blocked her Gigantic Divine Soul Shield, he was unable to use his full force and the might of this blood-bound equipment that is already close to the legendary tier was revealed, not only swaying Gao Yingjie, but also protecting Wang Yuanyuan’s body.