Modu Core City (II)

Lin Xin stared at him indecisively before finally stamping his feet on the ground, “… Okay, then I’ll tell you. Your sis took advantage of me and forcefully kissed me!”

“WHAAT!” Long Haochen never expected this, and this cry of surprise was so loud that it caused everyone to look over in alarm.

“Boss, keep quiet, or else, how do you expect me to have any shame left ?” Lin Xin said awkwardly, his face turning flaming red.

Long Haochen’s expression became somewhat unsightly, “Lin Xin, I don’t care about your narcissism, but how can you be narcissistic enough to claim something like that? How could my sis force a kiss on you? Don’t forget she’s a girl, and you’re slandering someone’s purity right now. ”

“I… I… I……” Lin Xin looked torn between laughter and tears, “Boss, how could I try to fool you? If not for you, I wouldn’t even be in this Demon Hunt Squad! Let me explain everything to you.”