The test of the Temple Knight (III)

Right at that time, the staff in Yating’s hand was held high and when Long Haochen and Haoyue launched their attack, her incantation which was being chanted all this time was finally completed.

A total of eighteen golden bolts of starlight shot out. The first one was the slowest, but the second followed in a split second, and the same went for the third, the fourth, and so on until the eighteenth. Each golden bolt of starlight was fired without missing a beat, and their succession caused a peaked acceleration, forming a resplendent spear of starlight, directly shot against the Temple Knight.

This was the light spell of the sixth step, Starlight Spear.

The Temple Knight didn’t even have the time to be in shock, and unsteadily flapped the wings on his back. The lance in his hand pointing forward, clashed against the Starlight Spear.