A spiritual stove that had never appeared before (III)

The gorilla came to her side, naturally looking at her with a lot of confidence, letting out a low shriek.

Hearing the gorilla, the young lady turned her head to look at Long Haochen’s group. Her gaze wandered over every member, stopping at Long Haochen only a second later. Her dark green eyes were immediately filled with an intense shock.

“Human, you’re the Scion of Light?” The young girl said these words in a very clear voice.

Long Haochen nodded, “Hello, little sister. We have come here to help you. What do you need us to do?”

He didn’t immediately give the others the order to join the battle, because he could see that this young girl had a good control over the battlefield. Under her lead, the casualties among the magical beasts were optimally minimized, and the demons were surrounded in an efficient way. In this situation, their addition would perhaps not be beneficial.