Wind God (I)

The staff on Xuanyuan Yan’s hand was pointed forward. Seeing the power of Hell’s Descent being brought down, he couldn’t help but loosen up.

The attack was effective! The light mages on his back didn’t need his order to expel their spiritual energy in full force, hoping to stop it outside the formation.

Their attack looked like a great success, seeing Hell’s Descent shrink at an astonishing speed, but the distant Hell Demon God Marbas had a strange smile on his face. If the joint attacks of eight great demon gods could be stopped so easily, they wouldn’t deserve that appellation.

It looked like Hell’s Descent’s volume had shrunk due to the holy light’s attack and the seal’s blockade, as it shrank to a tenth of its original volume.

At that very moment, Xuanyuan Yan couldn’t help but deliberately glance at Lin Xin’s direction.

But right at this time, the surroundings suddenly calmed down, as if all sounds were instantly suppressed.