Deathgod, Cai’er (III)

All gray, an endless gray. Cai’er’s whole body sank in a pool of gray, and the instant that shadow of death suffused her body, the latter suddenly gained a slender feel. The spiritual wings on her back shrank as ripples of gray color circulated all around her body.

As Cai’er slowly turned back, the colors of her eyes changed, turning gray instead of black, tinted with a sharp white.

A white color generally gave off a cleansing feeling, but the white in Cai’er eyes seemed filled with inexhaustible magic power. The instant she turned back, the black mage and light warrior’s movements became dull, not even launching their attacks immediately.

A gray barrier spread out from Cai’er, and a fantastic scene followed. The central area formed of chaos and space was unable to breach through this gray barrier, as it looked like Cai'er had embedded a huge gem in that area just then.