Coarse and Wild Baldie (I)

“It’s him!” Feng Ling’er lost her voice, suddenly throwing herself into Ye Weiyang’s embrace while crying out loud right after this call.

On the surface, Ye Weiyang’s character was rather more optimistic than Feng Ling’er, and seemed far more tolerant. But actually, Feng Ling’er was also a really strong person, otherwise she wouldn’t be the one to have inherited the Alliance’s Great Auction House.

But even if she was stronger, she was after all just a girl! This guy had been missing for close to five years after their last separation. No letter came, and not a single piece of news had spread. Even the Scarlet Dragon Armor she had offered him was already smashed to pieces. Feng Ling’er had seemed to be hypnotizing herself to convince herself into believing he was still alive. But deep inside, how could she not understand that the chances for him to still be alive were very scarce?