Cai’er’s Domain of Purification (III)


Maybe Cai’er’s comprehension of this Domain Ability was not strong enough, but her having one was already plenty. In the Assassin Temple, there had already been no powerhouse that could comprehend a Domain Ability for over a thousand years.

It was not that Xue Zhisheng feared Cai’er’s Domain Ability, but that her use of a Domain Ability already conquered him thoroughly. Being the elder chief of the Assassin Temple, he had come to his own choice.

Seeing the Flourishing Lotus Flower finally dissipate in her hand, even Cai’er relaxed greatly. Just as she said, she still did not have a full control of this Domain Ability, and had not yet even tried out its true might, having at most used it to intimidate Xue Zhisheng and no more.

Seeing Cai’er retract her own domain, Xue Zhisheng retrieved his dagger before crossing his arms, bowing in front of her.