The Moon Goddess And The Tree Of Destruction (I)

Long Haochen had just completed his ascent, and with his brief preoccupation with Easton's King's domain, he felt stronger than ever. But his heart was still beating endlessly as if it was recovering its spiritual strength. 

"Human, why did you enter my domain?" Easton's King's voice was still, inversely proportional to his size, deafening.

Long Haochen answered, "Easton's King, to fulfill your selfish desire, you bullied others and even committed genocide. Today is your day to pay back the debts."

As he spoke, his two hands were joining together on the top of his head. The aria of the Goddess of Light merged with blue rain and hibiscus of light. The radiant of the seven colors rose instantly and the God of Light domain rippled outwards like water.

"Nonsense!" Easton's King shouted as he brandished his axe and hammer around and suddenly his green domain burst forth in the air, all at once, in a myriad of plant forms towards the domain of Light.