Legends Of The Eternal Heroes (I)

After receiving Long Haochen's letter, the Temple Federation headquarters made full efforts to distribute the six temples and ordered them to prepare for battle. At the same time, three members from each temple were elected to attend the meeting at the Knights Temple at Yu Longguan. All the vice presidents of the Federation were also there. The first and second legions of the Federation, which had been integrated and trained, would also go to Yu Longguan.

All the hunting troupes had been assigned to the war and they made all the efforts to find out the movements of the Devil clan. According to the returned demon hunters, the Devil clan had indeed made some movement, and the most powerful ten Devil tribes were all deploying troops. The most shocking news for the Temple Federation was that the God of Devils summoned more than 50 devil gods to bring their devil pillars and attend the meeting in Modu.