Test Or Teach? (I)

The golden light fog inside the Knight's Holy Mountain began to surge violently, and their drastic changes immediately shocked all the elders in this Holy Mountain. 

What surprised them even more was that the violently surging fog of light rose slowly into the sky and began to hover in a clockwise direction, and after a while, a huge golden whirlpool formed. 

The area within the Knight's Holy Mountain's reach was quite vast, and the golden whirlpool in the air was almost equal to this vast area. It was indeed very large. Even if one looked at it from the Knight Temple at Yu Longguan, one still could see this magical scene.

The milky pillar of light rose from the core of the Knight's Holy Mountain, and then, in the divine atmosphere of majesty, the Sealed Divine Throne of Eternity and Creation emerged out of thin air, blooming with the brilliance of its Imperial weapon against the golden whirlpool.